He comes...

He comes...
...nobody cares...
...he knocks...
...everything fall silent...
...he walk through the door...
...everybody screamed...
...he kills them with no mercy...
...his laughter covers the screams...
...he pick up the bodies...
...carry them to the cellar...
And throws them to the mashy spike plates.The meat is over.He greets to Wheatley and bake the meat zo the 180 degrees.Later,the telephone rings and the conversation begins:
"Wut r you doin with my frienz?"
"Shut up,WHO.I need to watch the fricking horror movies."
"You brouk my pers-"
"Goodbye loser.And yes,I kissed with your daughter."
After that,the telephone rings again.
"What the fuck is now?!" he shouted.
"What the...Who da hell is now?"
"Oh,it's you.So how have you been?You know,after you BANNED ME FROM CREEPYPASTA?!"
"Whata fuck are you talkin' about?That was some motherfucker in the library.I forgot to sign off my account."
"Ha ha,Shorty.When you started to go to the library?Wait....YOU DID WHAT???"
"Erm...Nothing.So would you like to go to my place?I have a 10 hour marathon that Dolan rapes Fluttershy and other ponies and princesess."
"No way,you know I hate that cartoon for little girls!"
"But I have weed-"
And then,he breaks the phone.The meat is over because aroma is in the air!
After that,he pick up the beers and he decided to watch marathon of horror movies.